Can India withstand the Global Economic downturn?

Webinar Link
Meeting No: 2517 311 2467
Password: slowdown
The economic headwinds have turned against global growth. A global recession is now being projected due to spiralling wage-price risks, rising trade tensions, and adverse effects of climate policies on inflation and economic growth. Global growth is projected to slow down from 6 per cent in 2021 to 3 per cent in 2023, and some expect and a turn to secular stagnation over the medium-term. A compressive assessment of macro-micro data and long-term structural trends suggests that India may be able to escape this global economic downturn. The panel would discuss the reasons behind the phenomenon.
About the Speakers
Ashima Goyal
Ashima Goyal is widely published in institutional and open economy macroeconomics, international finance and governance, with more than a hundred articles in national and international journals. She has also authored and edited a number of books including Macroeconomics and Markets in Developing and Emerging Economies (Routledge: UK. 2017) and A Concise Handbook of the Indian Economy in the 21st Century (OUP: India, 2019). She edits the Routledge journal Macroeconomics and Finance in Emerging Market Economies; has provided consultancy to ADB, DEA, GDN, UNDP, RBI, UN ESCAP and WB; is active in the Indian policy debate; and has served on several government committees, including the Economic Advisory Council Prime Minister and the RBI technical advisory committee for monetary policy, and boards of educational and of financial institutions.
Currently she is a Member of RBI's Monetary Policy Committee, an independent director at Edelweiss Financial Services and SBI General Insurance. She edits a Routledge journal in macroeconomics and finance and contributes a monthly column to the Hindu Business Line. She was a visiting fellow at the Economic Growth Centre, Yale University, USA, and a Fulbright Senior Research Fellow at Claremont Graduate University, USA. Her research has received national and international awards. She won two best research awards at GDN meetings at Tokyo (2000) and Rio de Janeiro (2001), was selected as one of the four most powerful women in economics, a thought leader, by Business Today (2008); was the first Professor P.R. Brahmananda Memorial Research Grant Awardee for a study on History of Monetary Policy in India since Independence (2011), which was published by Springer in 2014; received the SKOCH Challenger Award for Economic Policy (2017); Hindu College OSA Distinguished Alumni Award and 20th FLO FICCI GR8 Beti Award for Excellence in Economics (2018).
Dr. Ejaz Ghani
Ejaz Ghani, an Indian national, is currently Economic Advisor at The World Bank. He has worked on Africa, East Asia, South Asia, Corporate Strategy, and Independent Evaluation Unit. He has written on economic growth, macro policies, poverty, employment, entrepreneurship, urbanisation, gender, trade, decentralisation, and agriculture. He has been a consultant at ILO, UNCTAD, and UNICEF.
He has edited several books including Reshaping Tomorrow--Is South Asia Ready for the Big Leap? Oxford University Press 2011; The Poor Half Billion in South Asia, Oxford University Press 2010 The Service Revolution in South Asia, Oxford University Press 2010; Accelerating Growth and Job Creation in South Asia (with S. Ahmed) 2009, Promoting Economic Cooperation in South Asia (with S. Ahmed and S. Kelegama), 2009; and Growth and Regional Integration (with S. Ahmed) Macmillan 2007.
Prior to joining The World Bank, he taught economics at St. Anne's College (Oxford University) and Shri Ram College of Commerce (Delhi University). He obtained an M.Phil. & D.Phil. in Economics from Oxford University. He did his schooling in Bihar; Bachelors at St. Stephen's College; and Masters at Jawaharlal Nehru University, India. He is an Inlaks scholar.
Madhurjya Prasad Bezbaruah
Madhurjya Prasad Bezbaruah is the Professor and Head, Department of Economics, Gauhati University. He has 5 books, 50 papers in journals, 28 articles in edited volumes. He has also held several positions till date viz Member of ICSSR from 2017-2020,Director in the board of Assam Power Distribution Company Limited, Member of the RBI Committee on Financial Sector Plan for NE Region chaired by Usha Thorat, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India, Director in the Board of Directors of the Assam Industrial Development Corporation from 2001 to 2005, Member of the Advisory Committee for Preparation of Human Development Report, Assam 2013. He is also an Expert, EGROW Foundation. He has completed his Masters in Economics from the Delhi School of Economics and Doctrate of Philosophy from Gauhati University.
E. Bijoykumar Singh
Prof. E. Bijoykumar Singh ( born 1 April,1958)was educated at Ramakrishna Mission School, Narendrapur, West Bengal (1968-74), Hindu College (1974-77) and Delhi school of Economics, Delhi University(1977-1983). He has been teaching Econometrics and Microeconomics at PG level and Data base of the Indian Economy at M.Phil/Ph.D. level. His areas of interest are Development Issues of North Eastern Region of India including border trade, Public Finance and Econometrics. He is an active member of North eastern Economic Association , the Indian Econometric Society ,the Indian Economic Association and Manipur Economic Association. He has edited 3 books and written extensively on various aspects of development in the northeastern region of India. He has travelled extensively in SouthEast Asia.