Can Manufacturing Still Provide Inclusive Growth?

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Manufacturing jobs, once the backbone of the modern US economy, have declined over recent decades, darkening opportunities for middle-class advancement. The same trend has occurred in many countries, from Europe to Japan, China, and South Korea. In this webinar the speaker shall discuss the major causes of the decline of jobs in manufacturing and provide some policies that could address the problem.
About the Speakers
Deepak Mishra
Deepak Mishra is the Director and Chief Executive of the Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relations (ICRIER). Prior to joining ICRIER, he was the Practice Manager at the World Bank’s Macroeconomics, Trade, and Investment Global Practice, responsible for East Asia and Pacific region. Deepak has held various positions at the World Bank, including the Co-director of the World Development Report 2016 (Digital Dividends), Country Economist for Ethiopia, Pakistan, Sudan and Vietnam. His research work has been published in various academic journals including the Journal of Development Economics, the Journal of International Economics and the Journal of Agriculture Economics.
Deepak has also served as the World Bank’s Country Economist for India, based in New Delhi, and working closely with the Government of India and with several state governments including Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Gujarat, Karnataka, Maharashtra and Punjab. Prior to joining the World Bank, Deepak worked at Tata Motors, Federal Reserve Board and the University of Maryland. Born in Odisha, Deepak received his M.A. (Economics) from the Delhi School of Economics and Ph.D. (Economics) from the University of Maryland.
Robert Z. Lawrence
Robert Z. Lawrence is Albert L. Williams Professor of International Trade and Investment, a Senior Fellow at the Peterson Institute for International Economics, and a Research Associate at the National Bureau of Economic Research. He currently serves as Faculty Chair of The Practice of Trade Policy executive program at Harvard Kennedy School. He served as a member of the President's Council of Economic Advisers from 1998 to 2000. Lawrence has also been a Senior Fellow at the Brookings Institution. He has taught at Yale University, where he received his PhD in economics. His research focuses on trade policy. He is the author of Crimes and Punishments? Retaliation under the WTO; Regionalism, Multilateralism and Deeper Integration; Single World, Divided Nations?;andCan America Compete? He is coauthor of Has Globalization Gone Far Enough? The Costs of Fragmentation in OECD Markets (with Scott Bradford); A Prism on Globalization; Globaphobia: Confronting Fears About Open Trade; A Vision for the World Economy; and Saving Free Trade: A Pragmatic Approach. Lawrence has served on the advisory boards of the Congressional Budget Office, the Overseas Development Council, and the Presidential Commission on United States-Pacific Trade and Investment Policy.