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Employment in India – Facts and Figures

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India is the second largest labour market in the world with a little under 600 million people working or seeking work. In this section, we look at who is in India's labour force, who is out of it, and what work people in the labour force do.

Information on employment in India and most countries is gathered by asking people about the work they did in a recent time period through household surveys. Most data for India used here comes from the Periodic Labour Force Surveys, large nationally representative sample surveys, conducted by the Indian government, while international data comes from the International Labour Organisation. In this webinar the panelists shall deliberate on the nuances of labour data in India and measurement issues.

About the Speakers

Santosh Mehrotra

Santosh Mehrotra is Visiting Professor, Centre for Development Studies, University of Bath, UK and former Professor (Economics) and Chair of the Centre for Informal Sector and Labour, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi. Santosh spent 15 years with the UN (1991-2006) in research positions, heading UNICEF’s global research programme on social/economic policy at the Innocenti Research Centre, Florence, and as chief economist of the global Human Development Report New York. He returned to India to head the Rural Development Division and Development Policy Division of Planning Commission (2006-09).He was also the Director General (2009-14) of the National Institute of Labour Economics Research, Planning Commission, in the rank of Secretary to the Government of India.

He advises the current NITI, the Ministry of Labour, and the Ministry of Skill Development. He is the lead author of several chapters of the 11th & 12th Five Year Plans of India, and the India Human Development Report. He has a huge number of publications in reputed Indian and Foreign journals. He regularly writes on labour issues in various newspapers. His writings have been translated into Hindi, Spanish, French, Russian, German and Portuguese.

Kingshuk Sarkar

Kingshuk Sarkar is an Associate Professor and Area Chair, General Management & Economics at the Goa Institute of Management, Goa. Prior to that he had worked for Govt. of West Bengal as a Labour Administrator for over two decades. He has also worked in other premier institutions viz V V Giri National Labour Institute,National Institute of Rural Development and Department of Economics, Jamia Millia Islamia. His areas of interest are plantation economics, labour economics, industrial relations, law and economics, labour administration, informal sector labour etc.

He has a number of publications in reputed journals and newspapers. He has attended and conducted numerous conferences, workshops, and seminars and carried out important research assignments in both India and abroad.