First EGROW Conference on Future of Indian Banking co-hosted with NITI Aayog

The banking system in the country has been passing through a critical phase manifesting with different problems in private and public sector banks. The banks in India, as also in other parts of the world, are facing high NPAs and large volume of assets of poor quality. These challenges have adversely affected profitability, net interest margin, and return on assets. The Reserve Bank of India, in regular and statutory reports, has been flagging the issue and has placed, 11 commercial banks on prompt corrective action.
To analyse and study the banking situation in India, examining different aspects, and in the context of global and domestic developments, a one-day Conference is being co-hosted with NITI Aayog on February 22, 2019.
Indicative Themes
Research based Papers are invited from scholars on the following indicative themes:
Evaluating critical banking situation in the country, considering domestic and international developments.
Recapitalization of Public Sector Banks, Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code
The future course of Prompt Corrective Action and recovery
Alternatives to Basel Norms, if any
Privatization, Mergers and Acquisitions, etc
Inauguration and Select Speakers
The Honourable Finance Minister, Shri Arun Jaitley will address the Participants. The conference will be inaugurated by Dr. Rajiv Kumar, Vice Chairman, NITI Aayog.
Shri Rajiv Kumar, Secretary, Department of Financial Services and Shri G. Mahalingam, Whole Time Member, SEBI will also share their thoughts with the participants.
Dr. Andreas Bauer, Senior Resident Representative of IMF for India, will also present a paper.
Submission dates
Abstract on the Paper or presentation by email (1000 words) by Thursday, January 15, 2019, to
An electronic version of the selected paper or presentation of up to 10,000 words be submitted by February 15, 2019, to
Commencement of registration: Jan 15, 2019
Early bird registration deadline: Jan 31, 2019 – Confirmed Registration
Registration deadline: Feb 20, 2019
* There is no registration fee.
* only pre-registered participants will be allowed entry.
The Registration is closed.
Venue: Auditorium, CSOI, Vinay marg, Chanakyapuri, New Delhi-110021
For any further queries connect via mail to and visit the website for further announcements on