Gender Mainstreaming in India's Land Ports

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Meeting No: 2511 028 5818
Password: women
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In order to facilitate the participation of women in international trade by making the land port environment and operations more gender responsive and friendly, the discussion presents an Action Plan for Gender Mainstreaming at India’s Land Ports. With focus on seven key areas – information, infrastructure, digitisation, facilitation, staffing, outreach, and capacity building – the action plan lists the enabling measures needed both at the land ports as well as the overall ecosystem to increase women’s participation in international trade.
About the Speaker
Nikita Singla
Nikita Singla is Associate Director at New Delhi-based Bureau of Research on Industry and Economic Fundamentals (BRIEF). Over the last decade, she has focused on Regional Cooperation, International Trade and Logistics, Economic Integration, Overseas Development Assistance, and Women Empowerment with a focus on South Asia.
She has also worked with the World Bank Group’s Macro, Trade and Investment Practice, based in Washington DC and continues to consult with different multilateral institutes including the World Bank and the Asian Development Bank on trade and logistics-related issues. She is a part of the Advisory Council of TalentNomics India, a non-profit organization working towards creating a gender equitable South Asia.
She is an Engineer from Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Delhi and studied International Economic Policy from Sciences Po Paris.
Sanjana Joshi
SANJANA JOSHI, is Senior Fellow with the Trade, Investment and External Relations (TIER) vertical at ICRIER, New Delhi. At ICRIER, she is closely associated with the research activities relating to trade, trade facilitation, and connectivity issues in both South Asia and East Asia. An honours graduate in Political Science from Lady Shri Ram College, she also has an M. Phil. in International Relations from Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi. From August 2000 to July 2001, she was Japan Foundation Research Fellow affiliated with the University of Tokyo.