Guaranteed MSP

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Password: farmer
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The government already provides MInimum Support Price (MSP) on agriculture produce but the farmers want a law that guarantees it. The panel shall discuss the pros and cons of a legal guarantee of minimum support price.
About the speakers
Ashok Vishandass
Ashok Vishandass, Professor (Applied Economics) (IIPA) has interest in Sustainable Agriculture, Risk Management, International Trade & Commerce. As ex-Chairman (CACP) in the Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare at the level of the Secretary to the Govt. of India, he has rich experience of formulation of Agriculture Price and Non-Price Policies, nuances of fixing MSP of various agriculture commodities. Before joining IIPA, he had also served FAO of United Nations Organisation (UNO) as the Chief Technical Adviser. In his stint with the UNO, he provided high-level technical and economic advice relating to Food Security, SDGs, agricultural Marketing and brought out eight Reports.
C.L. Dadhich
Dr. C.L. Dadhich was the Honorary Secretary of Indian Society of Agricultural Economics from 2006 to 2023. During his long outstanding career spanning over three decades with Reserve Bank of India, National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development and National Dairy Development Board he was associated with a number of working groups and committees appointed by Planning Commission and Government of India. He provided services on the Board of Dot Co-operation LLC, Washington, D.C. from 2004 to 2008. As a consultant of World Bank and Rural Credit expert of Reserve Bank India he visited a number of Asian, African and European countries to help development banks and other research and financial Institutions.
He is the author of books titled “Overdues in Farm Co-operative Credit” (1977) and “Management Through Folk Wisdom”. Since November 2014, Dr. Dadhich is also Editor of Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics.
Narendar Pani
Prof Narendar Pani is an economist by training who takes a multidisciplinary approach to the Indian political economy issues. In this effort, he has relied on a method derived from the writings of MK Gandhi. Over the last three and a half decades, he has held positions in academia and the media. He was a member of the Task Force on Manufacturing set up by the Government of Karnataka, 2013. He was a member of the Working Group set up by the Planning Commission, New Delhi, to review the performance of the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act. He was a member of the Steering Committee for the Evaluation Study on Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA) conducted by the Programme Evaluation Organization of the Planning Commission, New Delhi. He was a member of the Board of Governors of the Institute for Social and Economic Change, Bangalore, from 2003 to 2009. He was a member of the editorial advisory board of the Journal for Social and Economic Development, an academic journal brought out by the Institute for Social and Economic Change Bangalore, India, from its inception till 2009.
He won the Citibank Pan Asia Journalism Award for 1992. The award was given for writing on trade issues. The piece that won the award was on the environment as a trade barrier. His books include, ‘Inclusive economics: Gandhian method and contemporary policy’ (Sage, 2002); ‘Redefining Conservatism: An essay on the bias of India’s economic reform’ (Sage, 1994); and ‘Reforms to pre-empt change: Land legislation in Karnataka’ (Concept, 1983). He is also one of the editors of ‘Bengaluru, Bangalore, Bengaluru: Imaginations and their times’ (Sage, 2010).
Gopal Naik
Gopal Naik is Senior Fellow and Jal Jeevan Mission Chair Professor at the Centre for Public Policy, Indian Institute of Management Bangalore. After completing PhD in agricultural economics, University of Illinois he served as a faculty member at Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, India, during 1988–2003 and held many administrative positions including Chairperson, Centre for Management in Agriculture. He has worked as Professor of Economics at IIM Bangalore during 2003-23 and held many administrative positions such as Chairperson of Centre for Public Policy, Fellow Programme in Management and Dean Faculty. He taught graduate courses on research methodology, econometrics, and managerial economics. He works in the area agriculture policy, agribusiness, rural development, and natural resources management. He has published books and research papers in national and international refereed journals.
He received Professional Excellence award in 2007 from The American Agricultural Economics Association. His co-authored paper was awarded the Title of Meritorious Paper for its contribution to the Practice of Electronic Governance in the 4th International Conference on the Theory and Practice of Electronic Governance. The team lead by him received the WSIS 2015 award for e-learning. He has been consultant for many public, private and international organizations and served on various committees of both Central and State Governments, and educational Institutions.
Parmod Kumar
Parmod Kumar is the Director of Giri Institute of Development Studies. Previously he worked as Professor, Agricultural Development and Rural Transformation Centre, Institute for Social and Economic Change (ISEC), Bengaluru, India. Before joining ISEC he worked at the National Council of Applied Economic Research, New Delhi, and the Institute of Economic Growth, Delhi. He was Fellow under the International Visitors Leadership Program sponsored by the US government. He has been visiting Scholar to Glasgow University, OECD-FAO Paris, Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW) and Sichuan Academy of Social Sciences, China. He was managing editor of the Journal for Social and Economic Development (JSED) and was on the editorial board of Agricultural Situation in India and presently he is an executive member of Indian Journal of Agricultural Marketing; and Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics and Member Editorial Board of Indian Journal on Social Justice. He was empanelled as Visiting Professor in Economics for deputation to ICCR Chair Abroad by the Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR), New Delhi. He has been member of various committees of the Union and State governments. Currently, he is Chairing Working Group on crop husbandry, agricultural inputs, demand & supply projections constituted by the NITI Aayog.
He has authored/co-authored more than twelve research volumes. His latest book titled, ‘Contract Farming and Land Tenancy in India: Prospects and Challenges’ published by Sage. He has published around 70 research articles in refereed national and international journals. He has published articles in high impact journals. He was conferred the IDRC India Social Science Research Award for the work on public distribution system. He is currently guiding 6 PhD Research Scholars, 3 shcolars have already been awarded doctorate degree and has been on Doctoral Committee of a numerous PhD Research Scholars, post doctorates and interns. His major areas of research includes; Agricultural Economics; Environment Economics; Rural Development and Development Economics.