Inequality and Poverty in India: Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic and Policy Response

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The speaker will discuss on India’s progress in reducing poverty in recent decades. Further, deliberations will involve how the economic downturn associated with the COVID-19 pandemic have temporarily increased poverty and inequality and how the Indian government through subsidies has played a major role in mitigating the increase in poverty during the pandemic.
About the Speaker
Surjit Bhalla
Dr. S.S. Bhalla, is a Senior India Analyst for the Observatory Group, a New York based macroeconomic policy advisory firm and Chairman of Oxus Research & Investments. In 2017, he was appointed as Member of the Prime Minister’s Economic Advisory Council. He has been a member of the Secondary Markets Advisory Committee of SEBI and the National Statistical Commission of India. Dr Bhalla writes extensively on economic issues and has recently authored another book titled, The New Wealth of Nations.
Shinya Kotera
Shinya Kotera is an economist at the European Department of the IMF, where he is the desk economist for Slovakia. Previously, he was an economist in the IMF Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific (OAP) and worked with the Micronesia and India teams. Before joining the IMF, he worked as an economist at the Cabinet Office (the government of Japan) and private think tank, where he analyzed economic, financial, and fiscal development. His research interests include labor markets, inflation, and machine learning. He obtained his MS from the University of Edinburgh, the University of Warwick, and the University of Tokyo.
Amitabh Kundu
Professor Amitabh Kundu is a Senior Fellow with the Sustainable Cities and Transport program at WRI India. Dr. Kundu has been a Distinguished Fellow at Research and Information System for Developing Countries. He was Professor and Dean of the School of Social Sciences at Jawaharlal Nehru University, a member of National Statistical Commission and chaired the Post Sachar Evaluation Committee and that for estimating Urban Housing Shortage. He was Regional Adviser on Poverty at UNESCWA, Beirut and Consultant to Sri Lankan Government on Population Census.
Currently, he is chairing a committee to monitor the national survey, being conducted for Swatch Bharat Mission for the Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation. He was Visiting Professor at the University of Amsterdam, Sciences Po and Maison des Sciences de L’homme, University of Kaiserslautern and University of Wuerzburg. He was Director at various institutes in India and is in the Editorial Board of a large number of national and international journals. He has about twenty five books and two hundred research articles, published in India and abroad, to his credit.
Karan Bhasin
Karan Bhasin is an Indian columnist, researcher and regular tv panelist. He's worked with several think-tanks and has been a vocal supporter of India's current government on its economic performance.
He attended Delhi's St. Columba's School. He graduated with a Bachelors degree in economics (Hons) from The University of London and he obtained a Masters degree in Economics from TERI School of Advanced Studies.
He has worked with Pahle India Foundation, Public Policy Research Centre and other New Delhi based think tanks. His research areas are in the field of economics and public policy. Over the last couple of months, he has been a vocal supporter of cash transfer programs as a solution to India's subsidy leakages. He has been contributing to numerous magazines and digital news platforms as a regular columnist such as Governance Now, The Print, Swarajya, Organiser Weekly and OpIndia. Over the last months, he has also been a regular panelist at several debates organized by Business Television India, Times Now and NDTV.