Risk Assessment and Management of NBFCs

Need for the Training Program:
In today's dynamic India, the role of Risk Management Professionals is constantly evolving in response to changing regulations and demands of the industry. To ensure that the professionals of NBFCs stay updated with the evolving landscape, EGROW Foundation is offering two days non-residential offline training program.
Key Program Contents:
- Introduction to risk Management
- Identification, Quantification and Mitigation of Risks
- ICAAP (Internal capital adequacy assessment program)
- Operational Risk Management
- Management of stressed assets
- Due Diligence in respect of different types of loans - (For Example-Vehicle loans, MSMEs Finance, personal loan, etc.)
Training Program Highlights:
- Methodology : This program employs a blended approach, featuring a combination of online lectures, case studies, and real-world success stories.
- Eligibility : Professionals/Risk Management Professionals of NBFCs
- Program Director: Dr. S.S. Sharma, Professor & Head of Banking Research at EGROW Foundation, will lead this program.
- Faculty : Renowned experts from various fields, including former IIM faculty, former RBI officials, NBFC professionals, and academic professors, will cover a wide range of topics.
- Venue : Annexe 1, SCOPE Convention Centre, Lodhi Road, Pragati Vihar, New Delhi.
- Duration: Two Days (Non-Residential), March 04- 05, 2024 (9.00 AM – 6:00 PM)
- Contact Person: Dr. Shalini Singh Sharma
- Phone: +91 – 9911641102
- Email ID: shalini@egrowfoundation.org
- Certificate : Every participant who successfully completes the training will be provided with a certificate of participation.
- Program fee : Rs. 30,000 per participant (inclusive of GST).
- Payment method: The payment may be made through NEFT / Demand Draft / UPI / Cheque in favour of “Foundation for Economic Growth and Welfare” payable at Noida.
Bank Name: ICICI Bank
Address : ICICI Bank, Express Trade Tower 2, Sector 132, Noida-201303
Current A/C No.: 157905001700
RTGS / NEFT IFSC Code: ICIC0001579
UPI ID.: egrow@icici
GST No.: 09AADCF5527B1ZW