Economics, Finance & Banking for Legal Professionals

Need for the Training Program:
The Legal Professionals in their day-to-day functioning usually encounter various issues inter alia involving basic concepts and terminologies pertaining to Economics, Banking & Finance and they find themselves not very well conversant with the technical terms which are in vogue
Recognizing this, the EGROW Foundation has proactively designed a two days training program for the Legal Professionals which will provide an ideal platform to acquaint themselves with important issues relating to the Finance, Banking and Economics.
Key Program Contents:
- Economic, Banking & Finance – Contemporary Issues and Challenges.
- Banking Terminology, Negotiable Instrument Act, RBI Act, etc.
- Understanding NPAs - Their Life Cycle Management, and Impact on Banks’ Balance Sheets.
- Legal and Non-Legal Methods of Recovery - Role of Civil Courts, DRT, NCLT, etc. and Best Practices Prevalent in Banks.
- Regulatory Framework under IBC, NCLT, Mergers and Acquisitions.
- Valuation of Assets with respect to Security.
- Risk Based Classification of Customers, PMLA, KYC, etc.
- Types of Bank Credit, Charges, Methodology and Enforcement.
- Fund and Non-Fund Credit Facilities – Terminology, Case Studies on Banking Frauds
Training Program Highlights
- Objective: To orient the Legal professionals regarding contemporary Economic, Financial and Banking Developments & challenges ahead.
- Methodology : The sessions would be mix of lectures, case studies, success stories and Group Discussions.
- Program Director: Dr. Shalini Singh Sharma, Professor & Head Banking Research, EGROW Foundation
- Faculty : Experts from the respective field will cover different Topics.
- Venue : Annexe 1, SCOPE Convention Centre, Lodhi Road, Pragati Vihar, New Delhi.
- Duration : Two Days (Non-Residential), April 12-13, 2023 (9.00 AM – 6:00 PM)
- Contact Person: Dr. Shalini Singh Sharma, Email ID: