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Password: women
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A simple woman who grew up in a refugee colony, in a lower-middle-class family, struggling to even get proper food; eventually getting married, having kids and choosing to walk away from the marriage - all before turning 20.
This is a story of a woman who hustled every moment of her life. She started to work as a nanny, a teacher, a telecaller, and from there to reaching this place where she currently heads sales for PVR Cinemas in South India and Sri Lanka is an extraordinary story of grit, determination, and pure perseverance.
From thinking of ending life despite the abundance she gained to becoming a women's career coach, came a long way. She who made herself a 'S'hero in her own eyes and within the industry. If she can do it, you can do it too.
About the Speakers
Prof. Naliniprava Tripathy
Prof. Naliniprava Tripathy is currently Professor in the area of Finance & Accounting at IIM Shillong. Prior joining to IIM Shillong, she was an Associate Professor of Finance at Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Indore. She holds M. Com, M. Phil, PhD and D. Lit. Degree in Management. She is a recipient of Research Award in Management & UGC Fellowships. She is a Fulbright Scholar to Visit USA. Her area of interests are Corporate Finance, Business Valuation Investment Banking, Financial Services, Financial Engineering, Financial market and Corporate Strategy. She is an active researcher. Her work published in Australian Business Deans Council (ABDC), Scopus and Web of science journals. She is the author of over 90 scholarly research papers. She is also the author of eight books. Her current research interest includes area of Corporate Financial issues in Emerging Market, Business Valuation, Stock and Derivative Markets, Risk Management.
Meena Chabbria
Meena Chabbria is a multifaceted individual whose life and career are characterized by her passion for empowerment, leadership, and inspiration. As a transformational coach for women, Assistant Vice President (AVP) at PVR Cinemas (TN|AP|Telegana|Kerala|Srilanka), renowned author of the book "UNSTOPPABLE," devoted mother, and dynamic motivational speaker, she is on a mission to empower women and instill in them the SHERO MINDSET, ultimately empowering 100K women to become global leaders.
Dr. Vikramendra Kumar
Dr. Vikramendra Kumar, M.SC. (Department of Anthropology, University of Delhi), Ph.D. (University of Delhi), is Assistant Professor in Department of Sociology, Delhi School of Economics, University of Delhi. Prior to this, he used to teach in Department of Anthropology, University of Hyderabad, Telangana. He has taught both Social Anthropology and Sociology in different Universities covering wide range of topics by inculcating interdisciplinary perspectives. His research interest includes Sociology of Religion, Sociology of Education, Sociology of Development, Social movements and conflicts, Sociology of cultural studies and identity, Theory and Research methodology in Anthropology/sociology and Economic Anthropology/Sociology, Environment and development, Reproduction of gender, Caste and Class inequalities through social and cultural capital. He got best paper award for presenting paper titled “Future of Anthropology” in national seminar organised by Department of Anthropology, University of Delhi. He has been resource person on several occasions in different University across the country. Besides this, he has published numerous research articles in national and international journals. He is editorial and reviewer member of many journals. He is an author of the book titled “Religion and Politics in the Modern World”.
Dr. Ishita Bharadwaj
Dr. Ishita Bharadwaj is currently working as Senior Faculty at Department of Psychology, North Campus, University of Delhi. currently working on socio-clinical facets of embodied self and sexualities in gender discourses. inclined towards alternative practices of teaching learning. committed towards rigorous qualitative inquiry on issues of power, silence & voices, psychic violence, existential concerns and reflexive research processes. Previous work Experience as Research Associate in a project on ‘Emotion and Cognition’ under Prof. rukmani Bhaya nair and prof. purnima Singh, IIT , Delhi ( 2010) and Worked as Assistant Professor in Ambedkar University(2010-2011). Dr. Ishita Bharadwaj Areas of Interest Qualitative inquiry, Culture and Psyche, Existentialism and Phenomenology, religion and spirituality, Gender discourses, self in indian thought, emotion and cognition. Dr. Ishita Bharadwaj is Currently guiding 4 research students for their doctoral work. Their work is in the area of insights into women and madness, challenges and concerns of identity and gender in marital context, issues of vulnerability in the experiences of women police officers. Have supervised 9 dissertation works so far. She is Gold medalists IN M.SC PSYCHOLOGY( BHU). Dr Ishita Bharadwaj is Engaged in the counseling centre of the Department ( MASATHA). She Hold, D.Phil ( Awarded) University of Allahabad, Master Degree ( M.Sc) Banaras Hindu University, Bachelors Degree( Bsc) University of Calcutta.