Arvind Virmani
Dr. Arvind Virmani has joined NITI Aayog as a full time Member on 16.11.2022. He earlier served as Chairman of the Foundation for Economic Growth and Welfare (EGROW) and President of the Forum for Strategic Initiatives (FSI, Delhi).
He was earlier Executive Director, IMF, Chief Economic Advisor, Ministry of Finance and Principal Advisor, Planning Commission.
He was Director & Chief Executive of ICRIER (Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relations) and has published 37 Journal Articles, 24 Books & Book Chapters, around 70 other Working Papers and 50 policy papers in Macroeconomics, Growth, Tax & Tariff Reform, Foreign Exchange, International Relations and National Security Strategy.
His experience in Finance Sector includes: Member of the Board in EXIM Bank, Chairman, Board of Trustees in SBI Mutual Fund, Director in Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC), Member of SEBI Appellate Tribunal and Depositories Act Appellate Tribunal, Director in Punjab National Bank, Allahabad Bank and Member of the Board of Trustee in Unit Trust of India.
His Think Tank experience includes: Founder - Chairman of EGROW, Chairman of Policy Foundation, Member, Board of Governors in Center for Policy Research, Non-resident Senior Fellow in Brookings, Affiliate Professor & Distinguished Senior Fellow in George Mason University, USA, Member of the Board in Research & Information Systems, Director & Chief Executive in Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relations (ICRIER).
Dr. Virmani has been a key figure in Macroeconomics and Policy Reform: He was a mentor (Public Policy & Economics) in FICCI, Member, Technical Advisory Committee on Monetary Policy, RBI, Executive Director, International Monetary Fund, Member, Evaluation Committee, Independent Evaluation Office, Chief Economic Advisor, Department of Economic Affairs, Ministry of Finance, Principal Advisor, Planning Commission and Member, Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI).
He has published 33 journal articles and 20 book chapters in the areas of Macroeconomics, growth and finance, International trade & Tariffs and International relations. His books include, The Sudoku of India’s Growth ( BS Books, 2009), From Uni-polar To Tri polar World: Multi-polar Transition Paradox (Academic Foundation, 2009), Propelling India From Socialist Stagnation To Global Power (2006), Accelerating Growth and Poverty Reduction – A Policy Framework for India’s Development (2004).