C.L. Dadhich
Dr. C.L. Dadhich was the Honorary Secretary of Indian Society of Agricultural Economics from 2006 to 2023. During his long outstanding career spanning over three decades with Reserve Bank of India, National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development and National Dairy Development Board he was associated with a number of working groups and committees appointed by Planning Commission and Government of India. He provided services on the Board of Dot Co-operation LLC, Washington, D.C. from 2004 to 2008. As a consultant of World Bank and Rural Credit expert of Reserve Bank India he visited a number of Asian, African and European countries to help development banks and other research and financial Institutions. He is the author of books titled “Overdues in Farm Co-operative Credit” (1977) and “Management Through Folk Wisdom”. Since November 2014, Dr. Dadhich is also Editor of Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics.