Mohinder Pal Singh
Col Mohinder Pal Singh is Founder Director of EGROW Foundation. He is presently Senior Fellow at Center For Land Warfare Studies (CLAWS) and Adjunct Facutly at Manipal Academy of Higher Education (MAHE). He is also the Director at AMAS Training.
He has served in the Indian army, in the elite Infantry Regiment for thirty years tenating various appointments in all kinds of terrain and operations . He was also awarded ‘ Chief of Army Staff Commendation’ for his work. He has been an instructor in Infantry School and an Assessor in the Officer Selection Process for over six years. He successfully commanded administrative battalion.
Apart from his extensive experience in army and his academic pursuits he is also a prolific writer who has to his credit many articles in books on strategic and national security subjects and has individually authored five books. His two recent books ‘Teams of Tomorrow’ and ‘Myanmar and its Strategic Dilemmas’ have been well received in the environment.
He is a graduate in science form prestigious St Xaviers College, Mumbai. He is an MBA from IIFT , New Delhi and a gold medalist in MSc from Allahabad University. He has completed his Doctorate in international relations from the Department of Defense and Strategic Studies , University of Allahabad. He has published number of articles in all leading journals and websites on strategic issues.
Articles in Journals
1. Myanmar’s Elections: Skewed Constitution and its Conundrum, Economic and Political Weekly, Vol L-45, 07 Nov 2015. http://www.epw.in/commentary/myanmars-elections.html
2. Myanmar’s Militarised Democracy and its impact on India-Myanmar Relations, Indian Journal of Strategic Studies, Vol XXXI-XXXII, ISSN 09739386 2014
3. Myanmar: Militarised Democratic Landscape, Scholar Warrior, Centre for Land Warfare Studies, New Delhi , Spring 2013 issue. http://www.claws.in/spring2013/Myanmar%20-20Militarised%20Democratic%20Landscape.pdf
Articles in Edited Books
4. Changing Contours of Indo-Myanmar Relations in Regional Security Dynamics, India National Security in 21st Century edited by Prof Shekhar Adhikari and Prof Sanjeev Bhadauria, Pentagon Press, 2013 http://www.pentagonpress.in/servlet/ppGetbiblio?bno=593
5. Cementing Indo-Myanmar Strategic Ties and Act East Policy, Perspectives of India’s National Security Challenges from its Neighbours, Book Edited by Dr S Shahi, Pentagon Press, New Delhi, 2015.
Issue Briefs
6. Military and Democracy in Myanmar, Issue Brief, , Centre of Air power Studies, New Delhi , December 2012 http://aerospaceindia.org/Issue%20Briefs/2012/12%20December%202012%20-%20Military%20and%20Democracy.pdf
7. All Eyes on Myanmar 2015, Issue Brief , Aug 2013, Centre for Air Power Studies, New Delhi http://aerospaceindia.org/Issue%20Briefs/2013/26%20July%202013.pdf
Web Articles
8. India-Myanmar Relations: Time To Act, CLAWS Web Article No1816 dated 02 Nov 2017, http://www.claws.in/1816/india-myanmar-relations-time-to-act-mohinder-pal-singh.html
9. Time for India Inc. to Look East, Dec 2012, Centre for Land Warfare Studies, New Delhi http://www.claws.in/index.php?action=master&task=1288&u_id=197
10. Myanmar: Is Chinese Influence Waning? Centre for Land Warfare Studies, New Delhi , Feb 2013, http://www.claws.in/index.php?action=master&task=1308&u_id=197
11. China’s Growing Indulgence in India’s Neighbourhood, Centre For Land Warfare Studies, New Delhi, Article # 995, April 05, 2013 http://www.claws.in/995/chinas-growing-indulgence-in-indias-neighbourhood-mohinder-pal-singh.html
12. The Myanmar - China Pipeline - Implications for India, Centre for Land Warfare Studies, New Delhi, Article No 1059, 10 Aug 2013 http://www.claws.in/index.php?action=master&task=1308&u_id=197
13. Cementing Indo-Myanmar Military Ties, Centre for Land Warfare Studies, New Delhi, Article # 1111, November 21, 2013. http://www.claws.in/1111/cementing-indo-myanmar-military-ties-mohinder-pal-singh.html
14. China - Myanmar in Loggers' Logjam. Centre for Land Warfare Studies, New Delhi. Article No- 1444, September 30, 2015 http://www.claws.in/1444/china-myanmar-in-loggers-logjam-mohinder-pal- singh.html
Paper Presentation in Seminars/ Conferences.
15. “Strategic and Economic Dimensions of Indo-Myanmar Relations”. Presented at International Conference on “ Rise Of Asia- Opportunities and Challenges” conducted by DGIMS, Mumbai on 14 March 2014. http://www.dsims.org.in/web/management-college-bschool-events-mumbai/events-past-International-Conference-2014.html
16. “Myanmar’s Militarised Democracy and its Effect on India- Myanmar Relations”, Presented at National Seminar on “Challenges to India’s Peace and Security from its Neighbours” on 8-9 October 2014 at University of Allahabad.
Books Published
1. You Can’t Punch With a Thumb(2009) , Wisdom Tree Publishers, New Delhi
2. Can You Stop the Gushing Stream(2011), Pentagon Press, New Delhi
3. 31 December 2078.(2013) Readworthy Publications, New Delhi
4. Teams of Tomorrow(2018), Good Times Books, New Delhi
5. China Myanmar Strategic Relations(2018), Pentagon Press , New Delhi